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08 Jun 2022

Supporting Sir Robert McAlpine to deliver new standards in quality and consistency

Leading software provider Edocuments is supporting Sir Robert McAlpine, (S…

13 Apr 2022

Is BIM delivering the benefits?

Building Information Modelling or BIM for short, is a process for creating…

15 Jan 2022

Understanding the term ‘Metadata’

Buzzwords capture what is culturally fashionable at any given moment in ti…

29 Nov 2021

Connected construction data

Data is playing an increasingly important role in the construction industr…

13 Sep 2021

How digital platforms enable visibility on construction projects?

The importance of validated and relevant building information has been ens…

11 Aug 2021

Do more with your data

Secure access to high quality, relevant, cloud-based data is a mainstay on…