Health & Safety Files
Health & Safety Files
The electronic version of the Health and Safety File is designed to alleviate the inherent problems associated with paper based technical documents. Drawings, manufacturer's literature, certificates and other specialist data are all included electronically. The documents once created provide a replica of the paper documents in an easily stored, accessed, and secure format. For ease of use the familiarity, structure and layout of the paper document is retained.
EDocuments provide a coherent document structure which contains all essential information elements, minimising repetitive and duplicate information.
Record documents generally comprise of information needed by the Building Manager to operate and maintain their building in a safe, professional and cost effective manner. The documents that facilitate this are usually know as:
- Building log book (optional)
- Building Health and Safety File
- Operating and Maintenance manuals
- Specialists manuals
- Record Drawings

Section:1 Introduction and Guide
Table of contents
How to use guide
Emergency Information
Contractual and Legal Information
Section:2 General Building Information
General Building Information
Section:3 Residual Risks
Features and materials requiring special consideration
Section:4 Key Structural Principles
Information of structural design
Brief Structural Description
Load Restrictions
Features and materials requiring special consideration
Section:5 Hazardous Materials
Residual Hazards
Section:6 Removal Dismantling
Equipment likely to need replacement
A plan of work
Section:7 Cleaning Maintenance Facilities
Access arrangements and equipment for maintenance
Section:8 Significant Utilities Services
Details of the Significant Utilities Services
Section:9 Reference Information
Reference Information
Record drawings
PDF example download
This PDF is an EXAMPLE of the OUTPUT that can be achieved from EDocuments data management software.
Outputs are in a Microsoft word format, which can then be converted to PDF as shown.
Additionally equipment schedules containing asset data ( types and components ) exports as Microsoft Excel worksheet.