Building Digital O&M
Building Digital O&M
EDocuments Digital Operation & Maintenance (O&M) is the way to link your BIM models, Supply chain and FM application to latest as built O&M information. The O&M hasn't changed ! But how you access it has. EDocuments Digital O&M has always been totally data-driven and now allows your BIM model to link to any as-built information. Typically users link elements and systems in the BIM model to the specific system information or asset schedule in the digital O&M. The digital O&M is the central hub for all as-built information from all the suppliers, sub-contractors and the professional team.
EDocuments document production platform guarantees that all information goes through an agreed process workflow such as an authoring-review-and approve cycle.

Example Template
Section:1 Systems & Elements
Earthworks systems Ss_15
Structural systems Ss_20
Wall and barrier systems Ss_25
Roof, floor and paving systems Ss_30
Stair and ramp systems Ss_35
Signage, FF&E and general finishing systems Ss_40
Flora and fauna systems Ss_45
Disposal systems Ss_50
Transport system Ss_80
Section:2 Literature Summary
Section:3 Maintenance Summary
Manufacturers Recommended Maintenance
Section:4 Asset Register - Summary
- EDocuments Operating and Maintenance Manual Template
- CIBSE Guide M: Maintenance Engineering and Management Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 2008 ISBN: 9781903287934
- Managing Your Building Services (CIBSE Knowledge Series) Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 2005 ISBN: 1903287553
- Handover, O&M Manuals, and Project Feedback. A toolkit for designers and contractors Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 2007 ISBN: 9780860226673
- Managing Your Building Services (CIBSE Knowledge Series) Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 2005 ISBN: 1903287553
- Operation and maintenance audits Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 1997 ISBN: 0860224775
- CIBSE Building log book toolkit (includes templates on CD-ROM) Category: Facilities Management and Maintenance Year: 2006 ISBN: 1903287715
- BSRIA Building Services Legislation (8th edition) CD Global Licence D 3/2008GCD Pub Ref.: D 3/2008GCD Published: June 2008
- Application Guide 1/87.1 - Operating and Maintenance Manuals for building services installations - BSRIA
- Electrical Maintenance - Institute of Electrical Engineers
- Guide to Ownership, Operation and Maintenance of Building Services - CIBSE
- Operation and maintenance manuals for buildings - a guide to procurement and preparation (C507) Author(s): CIRIA Date: 1999 ISBN (13 digit): 978-0-86017-507-0 ISBN: 0-86017-507-3
- Computer based operating and maintenance manuals: options and procurement guidance Building Applications Guide BG 2/2004 Author(s):BSRIA
PDF Example Download
This PDF is an EXAMPLE of the OUTPUT that can be achieved from EDocuments data management software.
Outputs are in a Microsoft word format, which can then be converted to PDF as shown.
Additionally equipment schedules containing asset data ( types and components ) exports as Microsoft Excel worksheet.